Birth of The Mortokai (The Chronicles of Daniel Welsh Book 1) by D G Palmer

Birth of The Mortokai (The Chronicles of Daniel Welsh Book 1) by D G Palmer

Author:D G Palmer [Palmer, D G]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: DGP Creative Solutions
Published: 2019-08-01T04:00:00+00:00


Ariest; known as Otherworld to some, Elseworld to others, was an idyllic place. It was rich in mineral deposits; food was in abundance and Essence flowed unheeded throughout the land. The Faerie Queen of the High Bourne, direct descendants of the Tuatha, the old gods that once called these lands home, was the ruler of Ariest. Cernunnos, the Green Man, the physical embodiment of nature and who ever held the position of Archmage, acted as her advisors. Throughout the realm, the different races of Ariest also had a ruler to keep order and their cultures alive.

This was nowhere more evident than in Almedia where the council of three reigned. Chief Seydou, Empress Xu Ping, and King Ewynn ruled equally in their city of diverse peoples with fair mindedness and impartiality and so it had been since the original settlers founded the city. But even in a seemingly perfect place you still had to be wary; brigands operated in Ariest, with none larger of more notorious than the mysterious faction known as the Shadow Dancers; assassinations, sabotage, and thievery were their forte.

Getting lost could also be detrimental to one’s health since not all inhabitants of Ariest followed Queen Rhiannon. Finding yourself in a Frell, Firbolg, or Gnoll encampment could quickly turn your day sour.

That was what Nyriel and Ch’tan told Daniel at any rate. He had decided that it would be a good idea for him to learn a bit more about life in this strange new world, especially since he had no idea how long he would be here, and he had been more than willing to answer, to the best of his ability, all the myriad questions that Nyriel had about his own world.

‘We are almost at Almedia,’ Nyriel said. ‘From there we will get transport to the imperial city where Gydion’s sanctum is.’

Daniel was not certain how long they had been walking – he still felt energised and not fatigued at all – but he was sure it was longer than what he thought, because he could no longer see the beach that he and his two Undany companions had come to shore at and the first sun was also beginning to dip.

As soon as they had reached the coast after leaving Murias City, his escorts had taken on human guises. Relations were strained with the surface dwellers, due to the events King Noi described, and they did not want to reveal themselves to them; who knew what trouble it would cause? So Nyriel had taken the form of a pale-skinned beauty with the Twenties hairstyle Daniel recognised from the Pichini Palace library, a style she seemed to love, whilst Ch’tan disguised his large frame in dark skin and his hair became matted and locked.

Daniel turned his head this way and that, as any tourist would do. Eventually the party crested a hill and Ch’tan pointed to a large town, situated a few miles away, surrounded by a white wall that gleamed in the sunlight. ‘That is Almedia,’ he said.


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